Friday, 23 May 2014

OOTD: Lioness.

Dress: H&M / Jacket: Thrifted / Sandals: Primark 

Welcome to the 4th and final outfit post from my trip to Spain. I was wondering around and spotted this splash of graffiti and thought it would look good as a backdrop. Think the images came out pretty well.. considering the rest of the view was of terracotta spanish villas.

The jacket was another €1 bargain from a charity shop, literally couldn't believe it. Such a great alternative to the usual leather jacket. It's also really lightweight so great to bring with me into Spring/Summer.

The next post you will be seeing from me will be back in an English setting so see you then!



Blogging with Brie said...

Nice items! Well put together look :)

xoxo Brie at

Belle said...

Amaze pics...and brilliant backdrop!
Luvin' the accessories here...perf:)

Sara Nielsen said...

Fantastic outfit! I really love the necklace and the belt - would work with almost every outfit!

Please check out my blog and ask me some questions in my 'Ask me'-post. Thanks!

KV said...

Absolutely loving the mix of black and gold details! xo

Chelsea Jade said...

Great look, and that jacket was such a bargain! x

Amy - Salt and Chic said...

Love this outfit you look fab!

Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog

Holly said...

such a gorgeous outfit!

from helen at

ps. take a peek at my £250+ beauty giveaway, if you fancy! click here.

Lizzie said...

Nice outfit! I love your lion necklace!

Jointy&Croissanty said...

Awesome dress and jacket! You rock!